The Staff of ECPC wants to make your visit as comfortable and pleasant as possible. You will be provided with the highest quality of care and professionalism. The following information will help you to understand what to expect on the day of your procedure.
For your first office visit, we request that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to allow extra time to provide information on your medical history.
- Our staff will call before your scheduled procedure to confirm your appointment. During that call they will answer any questions you might have about your upcoming procedure.
- Eating and Drinking Guidelines: Up to two (2) hours prior to scheduled arrival time, patients may consume (8 oz. or less), water (plain water only – no flavored water); black coffee (no milk, creamer, half and half, lemon, sugar or artificial sweeteners); clear, unsweetened tea (no milk, creamer, half and half, lemon, sugar or artificial sweeteners). Patients are not to eat any solid food or liquid, other than those listed above, for six (6) hours prior to scheduled arrival time. This includes candy and gum.
- Vaccines/Immunizations: Patients must NOT have a vaccine one week BEFORE or one week AFTER any injection containing a steroid.
- If you are taking medications, make sure you let our staff know your medication regimen. Blood thinners will need to be held prior to certain procedures.
- Call our office if you develop a cold, fever, respiratory problem or any change in your health status before your procedure.
- If there is any possibility that you are pregnant, an injection is contraindicated.
- For your safety, you must arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure. That person is welcome to stay in the waiting room, or we can contact that person when you are ready to be picked up.
- Bathe or shower the morning of your procedure to minimize the chance of infection.
- Wear loose, casual clothing and low-heeled shoes. Tight fitting pants are particularly uncomfortable after certain injections.
- Arrive a half hour prior to your scheduled time. This will allow adequate time for all necessary admission procedures.
- Leave valuables at home, including your wallet and jewelry.
- Bring your insurance cards and a photo ID along with referrals if needed.
- Limit the number of people who accompany you. To maximize comfort of all of our visitors, we suggest that only one person accompany adult patients.
- Do not smoke immediately before or after receiving a procedure.