Genicular Nerve Ablation for Knee Pain
The knee is the largest joint in the human body. There can be many causes for chronic knee pain, often from past injuries, or years of “wear and tear.” Chronic knee pain can be debilitating and have an immense effect on people’s daily lives. Individuals with chronic knee pain often feel there is nothing more they can do to alleviate it. That is no longer the case.
The Genicular Nerve Block procedure is a procedure to address chronic knee pain. Genicular Block is an injection of local anesthetic around the genicular nerves. Genicular nerves are the sensory nerves that transmit pain signals to the brain. This offers short term relief to determine if you are eligible for a genicular ablation. No other medicines are used in the procedure, making it very low risk.
The Genicular Nerve Block procedure has many benefits. It is an outpatient procedure that provides almost immediate pain relief. There is very little recovery time needed after this procedure. Patients are able to walk out the doctor’s office without a limp. There is also very little risk of complication and minimal side effects associated.
Genicular nerve blocks are for patients suffering from chronic knee pain, degenerative joint disease of the knee, and osteoarthritis. This is also a good procedure for those unable or unwilling to receive a knee preplacement. It can be performed prior to, or following, a knee replacement.
If you are dealing with chronic knee pain and can’t find any relief, ask your physician for a referral to ECPC Pain Specialists. One of our Pain Specialists can determine if the Genicular Nerve block is the best treatment option for you.