Shingles Pain

Shingles is an itchy, painful rash that occurs on a single side of the face or body. The rash typically shows up as scabbed over blisters. Shingles is most common in older adults but can affect anyone who has had chicken pox. Once someone has had chicken pox, the virus stays in the body and can potentially reactivate and develop into shingles. Similar to chicken pox, once a person has shingles, it is likely they will never get it again. Shingles is not contagious, but it is possible to pass it on to someone who has never had the chicken pox or the chicken pox vaccine.
Shingles blisters typically heal in 2 – 4 weeks, but pain management is still necessary for some. Contact an ECPC specialist to discuss a treatment plan and to control your shingles-related pain.